Monday 27 August 2012

Signs, Symptoms and Different Types

It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted so I've decided to post two topics. These two being signs and symptoms and the different types of Down Syndrome. 

Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms of Down Syndrome are both physical, intellectual and medical. Typically people with Down Syndrome have slower mental and physical development. The picture below shows features that people with Downs most commonly have.

People with Downs also suffer from various medical conditions that decrease their quality and span of life. These conditions include:
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Hearing problems
  • Intestinal problems
  • Celiac disease
  • Eye problems
  • Thyroid dysfunctions
  • Skeletal problems
  • Dementia

Different Types of Down Syndrome
Type 1 - Trisomy 21 (previously explained in my blog) this accounts for 90% - 95% of all cases
Type 2 - Translocation occurs when a part of chromosome 21 detaches and attaches itself to another chromosome, having the same affect as having 47 chromosomes. This accounts for 3% - 5% of cases.
Type 3 - Mosaicism occurs during fertilisation when a) the person received 46 chromosomes at fertilization but somewhere during early cell division the chromosome 21 cell pairs failed to split creating a cell with 47 chromosomes b) the person received 47 chromosomes at fertilization but later during cell division the extra chromosome is lost. These occur in 2% to 5% of cases. A person with Mosaic Down syndrome may exhibit all, some, or none of the characteristics of Down syndrome depending on the percent of cells carrying the extra chromosome and where these cells are located.


Monday 13 August 2012

The history of Down Syndrome

Unfortunately the history of Down Syndrome is not very pretty or respectable. In the 1800’s little was known about Down Syndrome and a lot of people were admitted to hospitals where they lived out their then, short lives. It wasn’t until 1866 when John Langdon Down discovered the link of Down Syndrome to intellectual impairment. He began to use the term mongoloid, comparing the facial features of Down Syndrome with people from Mongolia. In 1959 a French physician Dr Jerome Lejeune changed the world forever when he discovered that Down Syndrome was a chromosomal abnormality. Further research revealed they indeed had 47 chromosomes instead of 46. It was later discovered that chromosome 21 was responsible for this defect and so became Trisomy 21.


Saturday 4 August 2012

What is Down syndrome

For those who don't know much or anything about Down syndrome it is a chromosonal anomaly which is caused by the failure of chromosome 21 to separate therefore causing the child to develop with three chromosome 21's instead of two. Approximately 1 in 800 babies is born with Down syndrome and while the chances of having a downs baby increase for women over 40, around 70% are born to mothers under 35. This extra chromosome can generate differences in physical features, intellectual impairment and different degrees of medical conditions such as congenital heart defects. 


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