Monday 23 July 2012

Must Read!

I recommend to everybody before they read my blog or any information about Down Syndrome to read the book I am about to tell you about. I read this book for an english assignment in high school which involved reading a biography. At this point in time I really only had very basic knowledge about this condition and I guess I was a bit biased and I thought the book would be really boring. After I finished this book my life changed, my eyes were opened up to a whole new perspective and I would be lying if I said it hasn't influenced me and made me who I am today.

This book is called "A Mother like Alex" it depicts the story of Alex Bell who at 28 became one of the first people to adopt as a single parent. The first child she adopted was Matthew, a child with Down Syndrome. She then went on to adopt 8 more children, Simon, Adrian, Nathan, Andrew, Chloe, Tom, Emily and Callum all presenting with Down Syndrome and other disabilities. Together they somehow make a family. This woman is inspiring and this is reflected in her book which I highly recommend.

Family Shot

Book Cover


Monday 16 July 2012


I have created this page as part of a TAFE assignment, the title pretty much explains it however my focus is going to be on Down Syndrome. Each week I will be posting different information about Down Syndrome and some of the issues they and their family face. As this is for an assignment any rude or negative comments will be deleted and I ask everyone to please respect the purpose of the page and other people's opinions. Many thanks and I hope you all enjoy reading and being educated about Down Syndrome.
